Marks Calculator for 10th and 12th Class Students All Boards

The government of Pakistan declared the promotion strategy today about all boards. The decision is for all boards of Pakistan including th...

The government of Pakistan declared the promotion strategy today about all boards. The decision is for all boards of Pakistan including the Punjab, Federal, and Sindh. These were the main points of the press conference held today.
Important Notes from today's press conference. Let me correct if any point has typed in the wrong way.
Due to Covid-19, Government has decided to promote the students to next classes without examination in this year 2020
  1. 9th class students will be promoted to 10th class and marks of 9th class will be calculated on the basis of next year's 10th class result.
  2. 11th class students will be promoted to 12th class and marks of 11th class will be calculated on the basis of next year's 12th class result.
  3. 10th class will be promoted to 11th class based on 9th class marks + 3% of 9th class marks.
  4. 12th class will be promoted based on 11th class marks + 3% of 11th class marks.
  5. Those students who have failed in 40% or less than 40% of the total subjects in 9th and 11th class, will be promoted.
  6. Improvement students, students who were appearing for composite exams, Failed in more than 40% of total subjects, will have to appear in special exams in SEP-OCT.
  7. The transcript will be based on total marks rather than subject wise.
  8. Those who want to be part of special exams should inform the board till 1 July.
  9. They did not say anything about practicals, so it means that each board will decide its own strategy regarding practicals.
Now the students are confused about 3% marks and 40% failed subjects. Let me clear you.

10th Class Students Marks Criteria and Calculator

Multiple your 9th class total marks with 0.03 and then add your actual 9th class marks in it twice. You will get the marks for 10th class. For example, If I get 408 marks in 9th then 408x0.03 = 12.24. It means that you grace marks are 12.24. Now calculate your marks for 10th class like 408+408+12.24 = 828. 
Please keep in mind that the practical marks will be added to these marks later. If you are still confused then don't worry and use the calculator for your marks prediction.
For the calculator part, I have made a calculator for both computer and biology groups so that they can calculate marks easily.
Marks in all calculators are out of 1100. Practical marks have also included in predictor range

10th Class Computer Students

Obtained Marks in 9th Class

Actual Marks Without Practical

Predicted Marks Range for 10th Class

10th Class Biology Students

Obtained Marks in 9th Class

Actual Marks Without Practical

Predicted Marks Range for 10th Class

If you are from arts group then simple calculate manually because there is not practical in Arts group. Simple follow this formula ((9th_Marks*0.03)+9th_Marksx2)

12th Class Students Marks Criteria and Calculator

 The formula is the same for 12th class students. Let me explain in a better way just like I have explained above for the 10th class
Multiple your 11th class total marks with 0.03 and then add your actual 11th class marks in it twice. You will get the marks for 12th class. For example, If I get 408 marks in 11th then 408x0.03 = 12.24. It means that you grace marks are 12.24. Now calculate your marks for 12th class like 408+408+12.24 = 828. 
Practical marks will be added to these marks later.
Marks in all calculators are out of 1100. Practical marks have also included in predictor range

Pre Engineering Students

Obtained Marks in 11th Class

Actual Marks Without Practical

Predicted Marks Range for 11th Class

Pre Medical Students

Obtained Marks in 11th Class

Actual Marks Without Practical

Predicted Marks Range for 11th Class

Supply Criteria and Calculator

Some students who had the supplies in one or more papers are still confused about whether they have promoted or not. Don't worry, just read my instructions and calculate from the calculator whether you have been promoted or not. If you fail in less than 40% of subjects then you are promoted. For example, if you are failing in 2 subjects in the 11th class and there were a total of 6 subjects. Calculate your percentage in this way 2/6*100 = 33.33%. It means that you are below 40% and you are promoted. Everyone can easily calculate by the manual procedure I have told you or by using the calculator I have mentioned above.
10th class students should enter the total number of subjects in the 9th class and the number of subjects in which they were failed.
12th class students should enter the total number of subjects in the 11th class and the number of subjects in which there were failed.
Confuse Nai Hona :P
Enter Total Number of Subjects

Enter Number of Failed Subjects

Status of Promotion

Generic Calculator for All Groups, All Classes and All Boards (PUNJAB, FBISE, KPK, Sindh, Balochistan) 

Calculated Marks in this calculator are without Practicacal Marks
Enter Your Marks in 9th Class or 11th Class

Calculated Marks

All the calculators have based on prediction so might be there is a possibility for some students they get lower or even higher marks than prediction. But all the students will be probably around the range predicted.
Regards Nabeel Hussain



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Nabeel Excellence Academy: Marks Calculator for 10th and 12th Class Students All Boards
Marks Calculator for 10th and 12th Class Students All Boards
Nabeel Excellence Academy
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