After reading this article you will be able to generate the Online FBISE Challan Form.
Many students don't know that how to generate online challan from the Website of the Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education. They don't know how to generate it online and save their time instead of visiting the FBISE office in Islamabad and waste a lot of their precious time.
In this article, I will make you clear about all these questions.
What is the Purpose of Challan Form?
As many of you know that Federal board has provided the online services for students to save their time and to facilitate them. For the fee of these applications, you have to generate challan form online and deposit fee in the HBL bank.
All the services which the federal board is providing online are listed below with fee.
Services are divided into four main categories.
- Examination fee SSC-I (Rs. 1000 for Regular and Rs. 1100 for Private)
- Examination fee SSC-II (Rs. 1000 for Regular and Rs. 1200 for Private)
- Change of Subject/Group (Rs. 1000)
- Change of Examination Center SSC/HSSC (Rs.1000)
- Cancellation of Result SSC/HSSC (Rs.1000)
- Correction in Roll number Slip (Rs.1000)
- Re-Checking Answer Books (Rs. 630)
- Registration Fee SSC (Rs. 600)
- Registration Fee HSSC (Rs. 600)
- CORRECTION IN:(Name /Parentage/Date of Birth)
- Within three years ( Rs. 1500)
- After three years (Rs. 4500)
- Duplicate Card (Reg:)/Roll No Slip (Rs. 450)
- Verification of Certificates Fee (Rs. 330)
- Duplicate Certificate (SSC & HSSC) ( Rs. 2250)
- Duplicate Mark sheet SSC/HSSC (Rs. 530)
- Provisional Certificate SSC/HSSC (Rs. 530)
- Migration (NOC) Certificate SSC (Rs. 530)
- Federal Govt: Institutions (15000)
- Private Institutions located within Islamabad/Rawalpindi Division. (20000)
- Private Institutions located outside Islamabad/Rawalpindi Division. (40000)
The same categories are for the HSSC. You may see it by visiting the FBISE Official Website. Now lets come to the point, how to generate the online challan form for the FBISE.
These are the following steps to generate the online challan form.
Step 1:
You will see this Page
Step 2:
Now select fee type from the options given below. For Example, If I want to change my subjects, then I will select that option like this one.
Step 3:
Now enter your name and the amount of your application in the above boxes and choose your class from the drop-down menu like this one.
Step 4:
Now click on Generate challan button to generate your challan
Step 5:
After clicking generate challan form, it will download your challan in a PDF file. You can open it to verify your name and amount. If you generate it from a mobile phone then it will open with the Google drive by default, You don't need to install an extra application to open it. If you are from generating it from your PC or laptop then open it with google chrome, you don't need to install any software for opening single PDF file if you have chrome. If you don't have chrome then install Foxit Reader in your PC to open it. Below I have given a screenshot of how it looks like when I opened it in chrome on my laptop.
So these are the 5 steps to generate the online FBISE Challan Form.
What To Do After Generating Challan Form?
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